Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Largest Gang In America

Today I am recommending you watch The Largest Street Gang In America produced by Boiling Frogs. This is one of the films featured on my DVD called Cop Out. It showcases several instances of severe police abuse and brutality. In the majority of the cases the people who had called the police or were in need of help found themselves victims of the system, wrongfully detained arrested or killed.Were these tragedies simply caused by accidental miscommunication or is there something more to it then that?

The Film that follows contains graphic footage depicting severe cases of police brutality. First and foremost we must recognize that the police are people just like you and me and we all have our problems. This is in no way an excuse to pardon such behavior but rather should be something to keep in mind to help us examine the the complex nature of the authority. These cases are not representative of all cops or interactions with them, sometimes you have a run in with a cop who is feeling forgiving that particular day, they flaunt their authority above you and then let you go. This happens more or less often depending on the demographic you are situated in, but as the old adage goes ""Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  meaning that it is not the person filling the position but rather the position its self that is the problem. In the case of the police force this problem is exacerbated by a myriad of factors: The steady and gradual militarization of the police, lack of accountability, vested interest from the prison industrial complex, the fraternal duty to "look out" for one another, and the type of person who because of these factors and others tends to become a cop. Eliminating any one of these problems would lead to better relations between the authorities and the people, though the aim is to eliminate the usage of a militarized external police force entirely. 

This is only part one as you can see. The rest is up on youtube, liveleak, and probably other sites as well.

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